Thursday, December 11, 2008

as i had promised before ...if necessary i would write abcd backwards. .

So here i go.......

zyxwvu........ufff!! too much hard work ya!! May be i would write it forward ways....

yup i can do that wont tax me much...

wat the fuck!! u guys already know the alphabets .... so wats the point of writing it? i mean u wudnt read it right? or would u??

hmmmm...on second thoughts.....
I am gonna write for myself right?? I mean i just don't write so that people can come and say wow!! or stuff like ur last post was better or ya i agree wid u and blah.....
I write becoz i feel like becoz i wanna write for myself... I mean thats the reason why we shud write right?? so m gonna do it anywayz.....whether people like it or not.....

Abcdefghijklmno.......o ma go!!!!! fuck!! fuck!! i really hope i come up wid some thing good man.....Its been so long since people congratulated me on my post...... :(


bongbabe said...

haaa haaaaaaaaa hoooooooo hoooo.... yu know what?? may be you SHOULD write the abcd forward ways first since yu seem to be confused about when the letter 'I' comes.... it is between the alphabets 'H' and 'J' sin.
kindly learn your letters well....... oh and yeah... am saying this with 'folded hands' :D

hee heee haaa haaa hoo hooooooooo....


the silhouette said...

hmmmmm thanx bongbabe...i gs by the time i learn my abcd i wud get over the writer's block as well...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! This post is worse than ur last.. Ill think twice before i read the next one.. Mite need a lot of recovering from...

the silhouette said...

Well anonymous devlina....who r u?? do i kno u? u kno its not good to come barging in a private party...
newez thanx for the comment... :D

neel said...

Well.... first things first.... i think the silhouette is a visionary.... and like all visionaries, even she has been mocked at by mere mortals.... so i shant make that mistake, and shall learn the new version of english alphabets.... so i will now write the way she would want all of us to write.... here goes....

f?rst Devl?na: please dont recover..... try and ?mplement.... m?ght do you some good....

path: what your ord?nary m?nd doesnt understand ?s that, she ?s try?ng to tell the world to become selfless.... u and ? are just too self centered to understand that.... look at her, th?s ?s symbolic.... ? mean she has had the br?ll?ant m?nd to take out the one alphabet that perhaps ?s the reason of all our troubles.... take a bow ma'm take a bow....

very funny post.... keep them
com?ng.... and keep
?nnovat?ng..... by the way.... can ? get a letter from you
expla?n?ng the bank author?t?es why ? cant wr?te the cheque the way they want me to? they just wont accept....

u see ?ts ?c?c?.


Rinky said...
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