Monday, February 8, 2010

One Woman, zero sanity...


Some more friends

Visiting new places

Meeting new people


Random flings

Long drives
Road side ice cream stalls

Stolen kisses

Cozying up under blankets

Waking up beside strangers

One night stands


First drop of rain
Chocolate and cheese


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Our days at Tara II

Path (frustrated, drumming her fingers on the table): Let’s quit, man. I hate this job… it sucks… sucks… SUCKS!!!

Sin (yawning): M feeling sleepy… shut the fuck up. (goes off to sleep!)

Path (nudging naggingly): arre listen na… y’know what? I have an idea!!

Sin: Ah! Really?? Half an hour later please…

Path: listen na listen na…. please please… pretty please!!!

Sin (now she is frustrated): What the fuck is wrong with you? Let me sleep no!

Path(sulking): Am hungry

Sin (wide awake): yeah! Me too!! (a twinkle appears in her eyes) What should we eat?

Path: I got Cream cracker biscuits

Sin: Shit…. I don wanna eat THAT!

Path: Ok listen na… Sin!

Sin(almost in tears): What Path? Why?

Path: I was thinking….

Sin: Oh no!! Again!?

Path: Shut up and listen na… (matter-of-factly) See… no point slaving for someone else ya, when we can lead a carefree life…

Sin (equally matter-of-factly): before you say anything else…. Lemme make this veeeeeeeeeeeery clear… We are sticking to this job for three more months…. Am not quitting before I complete one year, and neither are you… Now continue…

All hope goes off Path's face like the lights in Kolkata often do these days.

(Rinky chips in: I brought fish today) And the topic changes… spring is back in their lives….

The job takes the backseat again… Life moves on…

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My short trips to the clouds

Yesterday I got out a bit late from office. When i got down I saw a huge, pretty impressive steel grey Scoda standing in front of the office gates. Big fancy cars are no big deal at our office. We often get to see Merces, Hondas and BMWs around. Some colleagues of mine were standing there. They were excitedly discussing some blah about the scoda. These guys work for our elite South Asia channel. And as they work for the only English channel in our company, they consider themselves too elite to bring us lesser mortals even in their line of vision let alone see or smile or talk. [If you ask me they suck in creativity and are a bunch of dumb idiots who get scared if you speak to them in English. And the funniest part is they even have an anthem "We are SouthAsians. LOL".]

So there they were discussing while I came out searching for my dad. Ya Dadwas in town and supposed to pick me up. As expected the Scoda fans did not take any notice of this fat disheveled woman wearing a pair of worn out jeans and an even more worn out T, crossing them and standing about 7 feet away.

Suddenly this silver grey monster reared and stopped in front of me. I moved away a bit expecting it to turn or something. Well it did not. It stopped right in front of me nnd out came a chauffeur (and by chauffeur i mean the guy was completely dressed in white with a white hat or cap whatever completing the look) and opened the door on my side. I once again shifted making way for the person about to get out. Well nothing like that happened, so i looked behind me expecting some suave guy. Well no one there.

I saw the open door and could not resist myself of a lil peek a boo. Well the next moment I was bent low, staring shamelessly inside. And lo! what do i see!?! Daddy darling nestled in the lap of the seats. I dived in. Then as the car whizzed past I caught a look at the faces of the elites i told you about. Heehee their jaws seemed as if you would have to scrape them out of the ground. heehee :) Kodak moment!!

Uff ! the car was sooooooooooooooooooo huge!! I turned left then right and again left and god knows how long i kept doing that. I started fiddling with whatever parts i could reach. The first victim was the window switch. I kept pulling and pressing the switch. The glass would go up and down, up and down. I could have gone on and on if i hadn't caught the driver glaring at me from the rear view. I could see the relief in his eyes when i stopped.... Oh the window's saved!!

Next in line was this huge box kinda thing which sprang open everytime a button was pressed. That held my attention for some time. Dad seemed pretty amused. I did quite a lot of fiddling around before I finally sat back and looked out. Surprise! surprise! We were entering the parking lot of Hyatt. "Ma bollo Bon er birth day toke kichu khiye dite. Kothaye aar jabi cho room service deke nebo tarpor bari chere debo".

Bless my sis!!! Dinner at Hyatt!! This time it was my turn to scrape my jaw out of the ground and put my tongue back into my mouth. I mumbled. why room service?? ekhane restaurant nei? Ami restaurant te khabo.

After a bit of "I am tired" and "na na restaurant", he gave in and we headed towards Guchhi.


I always enjoy these very very rare occasions when dad comes to kolkata and I get to go out with him. Actually I have always liked going out with my dad. With him around its like being swept up to the clouds. Makes me feel like a princess. We go to all these fancy restaurants, eat expensive food and shop at branded stores the likes of Gucci, JC Penny and YSL, which very naturally I can't even dream of when I am all alone, surviving on the the few pennies I earn every month. Everything I do with him is special.

I still remember my first ride with him. It was my dadu's amby and I was 5. He had taken me out with him for an icecream treat. The amby seemed soooooooooo huge and sooo grand. I asked my mom to pack all my stuff and put it in the car so i could stay there permanently. Thanx to dad, the car rides kept improving ranging from Fiat to Zen to Innova to Mercedes to Land cruiser.

Dad once got me a Dior Scarve. He had been on this trip to London. I was 12 then and I carried it around everywhere and anywhere I went and oh the way i flaunted it. Well, now i realise I shouldn't have. :(

He got me a swatch watch from his trip to Switzerland. I still treasure it.

He got our zen on my name. So technically I owned the car. :) Made me feel so special.
And powerful. :) Well the car's no longer with us. :(

He got me my first Music phone, my Activa when I went to Nagpur. My phoren tours, my Gucci and Dior glares. And ofcourse my memorable helicopter rides are all because of him.

With life giving its best shot at screwing me in every possible way and succeeding with flying colours..... from missing trains to hairloss to being underpaid to getting my heart broken a zillion times, these few moments always made me feel special, like a princess.

Yesterday was one such moment.......

I have been really low this whole week. D's been out of sight for quite long now, Path's on a holiday and Rinky's no longer here to give me company. I had company ofcourse, and i did a lot of talking and laughing as well. But you know they are not Path, D or Rinky.

And then daddy came :).

Well we finished our grand dinner.

And then it was time to go home...One last ride on the clouds before touching the ground.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Sunday afternoon


Its beautiful outside and warm inside

Cozied up in bed with a Jhumpa Lahiri

They are showing Dead poets soceity on TV

What else do you need in life

Someone to share it with may be :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

I want to be over the sea
On top of the mountains
Not near
I want to sing
Have fun
Eat carrots
Be mamma's darling
With good habits
Have some credibility
Be good for others
A standard for lovers
Be there for friends
I want to be all the good things
I want to be clear, pure
Certain and sure

I want to come out of
This curtain that hides more than wires
Evil tricks and dark desires
I want to never hide my soul again
From the sun
And everyone

I want to run away
From me

Monday, April 13, 2009

I love this post

A cheerful old bear at the zoo
Could always find something to do.
When it bored him to walk to and fro
He reversed it, and walked fro and to.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our days at TARA

Path and Sin are sitting beside each other and working on the same comp. Reason? Recession

Path: Open my Twitter account

Sin: yeah then you can write me a msg

(Account opened. Both accounts operating.)

Sin (Twittering): Finished watching Before Sunrise.

Path(Replying to Sin’s Twitter): Told you it was a wonderful movie!

Sin: Aaare have you noticed one thing? We manage to be the Biggest losers on earth! Sitting on the same comp, Twittering to each other…

Path: Lol!! Chal lets go have lunch! Or shall I Twitter that too??


Both sitting bored on the same comp again. Full and satiated, Path belches. Sin disgusted. Both sigh like the emissions of a steam engine.

Suddenly Path: Oye!! Akshay Kumar unbuttoning his jeans!!!

Sin: Lets see lets see!! (eyes popping, she starts a mad search on the internet, while Path looks on dreamily).


Path: F5… FUCKING F5!!!

F5 pressed, both stare at the blank screen blankly, as it takes its own sweet time to reload.

5 secs…. Still staring… 10…. 15…

Path: FUCKING F5!!!!!

Bored yet anxious, they turn their attention to the TV screens across the floor. A particularly non-descript channel catches their attention. A woman with nothing womanly clad in a hideous stool-coloured saree is jiggling and bouncing her silicones all over the screen. It appears to be a Pak Filmfare Award…

Path: Dear God! I refuse to watch that. It is a deliberate assault on my sense of aesthetics and knowledge of the arts.

Sin: Fuck! They’ve introduced terrorism in movies as well. Mr.PM was right! Pak IS the epicenter of global terrorism.

Path: Yeah! They’ve commercialized it too. Next you know, those gun-totting barely-out-of-teen guys will wear sponsored T-shirts!!

Sin: Lets’s drink to that… RINKYYYYYYYYY………… let’s go for tea!!

They pull Rinky out of her reverie and file down for tea. Card punching is a big issue here.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

as i had promised before ...if necessary i would write abcd backwards. .

So here i go.......

zyxwvu........ufff!! too much hard work ya!! May be i would write it forward ways....

yup i can do that wont tax me much...

wat the fuck!! u guys already know the alphabets .... so wats the point of writing it? i mean u wudnt read it right? or would u??

hmmmm...on second thoughts.....
I am gonna write for myself right?? I mean i just don't write so that people can come and say wow!! or stuff like ur last post was better or ya i agree wid u and blah.....
I write becoz i feel like becoz i wanna write for myself... I mean thats the reason why we shud write right?? so m gonna do it anywayz.....whether people like it or not.....

Abcdefghijklmno.......o ma go!!!!! fuck!! fuck!! i really hope i come up wid some thing good man.....Its been so long since people congratulated me on my post...... :(

Thursday, September 25, 2008

hello ....m alive!

hmmm....long time.....looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time actually. Didnt hv much to write actually. writer's block i gs... or maybe just didnt feel like.....but now i hv decided to write on my blogs regularly. write wat?? hmm that i hvnt decided and honestly.... don't care... but I wud write...... nething... nething that comes to my mind....

Now that wudnt be easy......why? well my mind remains pretty blank most of the time....i call this phase a thinker's block (?!?) and when a person has both writer's and thinker's block, (read loser) he does wat i am doing now.....bla ble blu bla!!


even if i have to write the alphabets of English in reverse order.........

ahem! sorry got a bit carried away.......

SO wat do i write? hmmmmmmmmm..... i dont hv much to write today......nothing worth writing....i mean just the usuals. though i did a lot of unusual (for me) stuff yesterday. I fought with almost all the bullies in office. Thought of putting in my papers for a while...but the colour green stopped me right on my tracks. so I fought and I fought ugly. I showed some people there right place. atleast i think i did.

And ofcourse...I had a horribly slow grandpa comp exchanged into a super fast genY comp. felt bad though... i mean grandpa comp stood by me (though stood wud be putting it the wrong way, it mostly snoozed) rite from my day one at Tara. And i felt guilty....guilty of choosing a better substitute...but then wat can i do? i tried sticking to it...God knows i just wudnt work!! lazy old all it does is stare at me....yes its sitting rite under my neighbouring desk, stripped off its honour, self respect (ahem what i meant was keyboard, mouse and monitor)... and all bcoz i discarded it for a better, younger counterpart....plz I don't wanna be the reason for the demise of someone errr....thing.

ENUF!!! getting carried away again..... ektu bara bari hoye jache....gaaawwdd!! ppl would think i am in love wid that old haggard. And seriously...its not my fault that the stupid old CPU got discarded... and it would surely be used by someone!! i mean my kinda job needs a fast comp...but that doesnot hold for everyone....right??

uuuhhh!! i hope my blocks go away soon......this sucks!!

Monday, October 1, 2007


"I think life should be more like TV. I think all of life's problems ought to be solved in 30 minutes with simple homilies, don't you? I think we should all have powerful, high paying jobs and everyone should drive fancy sports cars. All our desires should be instantly gratified. Life overall should be glamorous, thrill-packed and filled wiht applause.
Don't you think??" ---- Bill Waterson

Friday, September 28, 2007

Okay, so the Indian Team won T20 World Cup. Wow…fantastic….brilliant…..super-duper cool…awesome, yup! I hope you get the drift. I too, like you and many others world over am ecstatic that our team has returned home victorious. More so over the fact that they deserved it, the last three matches had been seriously competitive but the Boys in Blue gave in their 100% to the very last minute.
Besides the grand arrival, the T20 Team has also been showered with intense monetary rainfall. Right after the India-Pak finals, BCCI announced a $2 million reward to the team members. Cash awards have also been announced for individual members for their glorious feat at the Twenty20 World Cup in South Africa. Yuvraj Singh will also be getting an additional Rs 1 crore and not to forget the promised sports car for becoming the first batsman to hit six sixes in an over in a Twenty20 match.
All good, I say. After all the Indian Team deserves it and BBCI being the cricket board of the country can reward them as per their desires.
But what I can’t get to comprehend is the method of appreciation chosen by our State Governments.
I mean don’t you find a bit absurd?

- Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh has announced a cash incentive of Rs 10 lakh each for Ajit Agarkar and Rohit Sharma.

- Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit has announced that her Government would give cash award of Rs 5 lakh each to Gautam Gambhir and Virender Sehwag.

- R. P. Singh will receive Rs 10 lakh in cash and a citation from the UP government as mark of recognition for his brilliant performance.

- Karnataka Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy has announced an award of Rs 5 lakh each for Venkatesh Prasad, the bowling coach of the team, and Robin Uthappa.

- The President of Andhra Pradesh’s Telangana Rashtriya Samiti has announced a rewards of Rs 1,16,000 each to Dhoni, Irfan Pathan and Gautam Gambhir.

- Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda has announced a cash reward of Rs 21 lakh for Joginder Sharma.

- Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh offered a week’s free stay to all the members of the team in any of the HP Tourism Development Corporation hotels in the state.

- Tamil Nadu Government announced Rs 5 lakh cash reward for Dinesh Karthik.

- Team India skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni will receive the first ever ‘Jharkhand Ratna’ Award which carries a cash award of Rs 5 lakh and a memento.

- Tax exemption for all players.

Why? As it is, Cricket is a popular sport in this country, plus after this triumph most of the T20 players are likely to pocket huge sums of money via brand endorsements. Then why are the State Governments allowed to fool around with our money, which only seems to be an attempt by them to match-up to their neighboring State’s generosity. Instead this money could have been used for tons of more needful causes - like encouraging other sports at schools and colleges, funding our eternally deprived hockey teams, investing in the much needed sporting equipments, etc and etc.
Why are other sports and players in our country treated like orphans and why are our politicians baised towards cricket? Don’t you think our football team deserved the same kind of treatment after winning the Nehru Cup earlier this year? It’s really sickening to see how low our political leaders are ready to stoop to, just to get few mentions in the media while completely ignoring their basic duties towards the common man.