Thursday, September 25, 2008

hello ....m alive!

hmmm....long time.....looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time actually. Didnt hv much to write actually. writer's block i gs... or maybe just didnt feel like.....but now i hv decided to write on my blogs regularly. write wat?? hmm that i hvnt decided and honestly.... don't care... but I wud write...... nething... nething that comes to my mind....

Now that wudnt be easy......why? well my mind remains pretty blank most of the time....i call this phase a thinker's block (?!?) and when a person has both writer's and thinker's block, (read loser) he does wat i am doing now.....bla ble blu bla!!


even if i have to write the alphabets of English in reverse order.........

ahem! sorry got a bit carried away.......

SO wat do i write? hmmmmmmmmm..... i dont hv much to write today......nothing worth writing....i mean just the usuals. though i did a lot of unusual (for me) stuff yesterday. I fought with almost all the bullies in office. Thought of putting in my papers for a while...but the colour green stopped me right on my tracks. so I fought and I fought ugly. I showed some people there right place. atleast i think i did.

And ofcourse...I had a horribly slow grandpa comp exchanged into a super fast genY comp. felt bad though... i mean grandpa comp stood by me (though stood wud be putting it the wrong way, it mostly snoozed) rite from my day one at Tara. And i felt guilty....guilty of choosing a better substitute...but then wat can i do? i tried sticking to it...God knows i just wudnt work!! lazy old all it does is stare at me....yes its sitting rite under my neighbouring desk, stripped off its honour, self respect (ahem what i meant was keyboard, mouse and monitor)... and all bcoz i discarded it for a better, younger counterpart....plz I don't wanna be the reason for the demise of someone errr....thing.

ENUF!!! getting carried away again..... ektu bara bari hoye jache....gaaawwdd!! ppl would think i am in love wid that old haggard. And seriously...its not my fault that the stupid old CPU got discarded... and it would surely be used by someone!! i mean my kinda job needs a fast comp...but that doesnot hold for everyone....right??

uuuhhh!! i hope my blocks go away soon......this sucks!!